5 Ways to Better Organize Your Garage Space

Photograph of cluttered, unorganized garage

Are you cluttered up with garbage and unnecessary stuff in your garage? Every do-it-yourselfer knows that a tidy and clutter-free garage is useful for ensuring quick and effective home projects and vehicle maintenance. So, how can you get your garage organized for good? Continue reading to find out.

#1 Embrace Shelving & Storage Containers

Clear storage bins will serve you better when it comes to organizing and storing all of all the clutter that you accumulate over time: keeping all organizing products and kids’ items, as well as tools, toys, or paints, and kids’ treasures in one place.

#2 If It’s Broke, Fix It! Or Just Get Rid of It

In this situation, there is nothing worse than finding the tool or item you need only to discover that it is damaged, has dried out, broken, or used up and no longer works.

As you go through the process of organizing, pay attention to texture, consistency, and expiration dates. Also, think about expanding any items that are becoming outdated or unnecessary.

#3 You Have Walls & A Ceiling, Use Them!

Sometimes you need to make sacrifices in order to store equipment, which is better left out of the way if you want to get the most from your garage space. Larger, lighter equipment can be stored on shelves or hanging racks above the area where you park your vehicles.

#4 Make Sure Your Garage is Well Stocked

There are many situations where you’re better off with more specialized tools and supplies (duct tape, superglue, cleaning agents, etc.), especially when trying to mend or fix things on the fly. Incorporate these tools and supplies into your regular garage use so you will always have them on hand if and when you need them.

#5 Every Item Should Have a Home

Sort tools and supplies according to their applications. Such as for consecutive or related tasks, giving each a category of its own if deemed necessary. Use hooks and pegboards to help keep things in their ‘home’ (dedicated spaces). Wherever you need to, create a shelving or rack where you can store and have quick access to all your go-to items in an organized manner.


These are just a few of the many ways you can improve your garage. The goal is to make life easier by being more organized. Your future self will thank you!


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